Category: The Wise Word

Hadith About Trading – Business


  The Ultimate Profit The Sahaba were actively involved in business. If we take an eagle-eyes view, we can say that they did business to fulfil their needs…

Miracle Stories: The She-Camel of Allah


by Raiiq Ridwan Allah mentions the stories of various Prophets and their nations in the Quran. Some Prophets were just sent with clear speech such as Nuh alayhi salam….

Pets in Islam – Complete Guide on What’s Allowed & What’s Not


Islam strongly endorses the concept of protecting the welfare of animals. The Hadith and Sunna contain a wealth of information about the Prophet Mohammad’s (SAW) concern for animals,…

Imam Shafi’i


He (Imam Shafi’i) was born in the village of Ghazza by the town of ‘Asqalan in 150 – the year of Imam Abu Hanifa’s death – shortly after…